Fi Fi Foodle Pie

Another of my loves is F O O D!! infact in the blog its my third love clearly before fitness!!Mind you at 8pm at night it’s definitely my first love!   I worked in a very prestigious restaurant a long time ago and thats where my love for the F word was established!!

I really am in awe of all those home baking mummas and I do love to bake but I so have to be free of any other duties and be in the zone!  Ive got amazing friends out there that can produce such spectacular fancy stuff before you’ve got time to blink! With that I’d like to introduce my guest food blogger… my dear friend Fi Fi trixabelle, known to the outside world as Fiona! She is wife and mother extraordinaire with a passion for food that totally outweighs my abilities and enthusiasm!  Enjoy her recipes and food journals my friends because she rocks!!

Peace Love & Cupcakes

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